In May my parents and I traveled to Phoenix to attend my brother-in-laws graduation. Tyler was suppose to go, but decided that it wasn't a good idea the week before his wedding.

After we had scheduled our tickets, my sister called and said that they had moved Jason's graduation date because President Obama was coming to speak to all the graduates. We were disappointed. On our flight down we were about to land and then the pilot came on and said we were going to have to circle Phoenix for awhile to clear the air space so that the Airforce One could land. While driving out of the airport, we drove right past Airforce One. I must say, it was pretty cool.

Allison loves her grandpa!

Yes, Ally and I thought we were pretty cool in our shades!

Jason, I am so proud of you on this major accomplishment! Way to go! Thanks Kim and Jason for a fun weekend. Love you!