Today I met Kristi and Addy at Seagull Book & Tape where they were having a pre-conference sale and the theme was "celebrating the joy of sisterhood." There were a ton of people lined up waiting for the store to open and while we were standing in line, Addy kept pulling my hand saying, "come on Kami..." we walked to the front door and she knocked on the window and kept saying "open, open." Everyone in line laughed and needless to say, she was quite the entertainer. As we entered the store we each received a free game, flower and chocolate...who could ask for anything better!!

Afterwards we went to Gardner Village and took some pictures. It was still a little chilly outside, but it was definitely nice to have the sunshine vs. the snow. Yes, we were freezing in the above picture.

I was practicing the one thing I learned in my recent photography class about lighting and I think this picture turned out amazing!!

Addy truly loves her momma!! Kristi, I think you both look so CUTE in this picture.

Oh, the favorite aunt. I love you Addykake.

After pictures we went to lunch at Red Lobster...yum!! I just happen to have my camera and was glad I could capture the moment of the way Addy stuck her fries in her ketchup.

We then picked up dessert and went to the park, which was Addy's favorite part of the day.

This little girl LOVES the outdoors!

Kristi thought she would lay down and enjoy the sunshine, but everytime she did, Addy would jump on her. What a character! Thanks for the fun day Kristi and Addy. I love spending time with both of you.