This morning Kristi and David were driving to my house to pick up Adeline, since she slept over last night and I received a phone call from Kristi saying, "were stuck and we need to use your snow shovel." I looked out my window and could not believe the amount of snow we received. My guess would be over two feet!! I do not own a snow shovel, so I called my neighbor Jeff and he immediately said, don't worry, I will be over in a minute. He was able to help Kristi as well as two other individuals who were stuck and then offered me a ride to Stake Conference.

Jeff and Hollie just recently traded in their Toyota 4-runner for a Honda Pilot and Jeff was having a blast driving through all the deep snow to Stake Conference. Hollie was holding on for dear life and I was thinking how do I get one of these vehicles??
At the end of Stake Conference they displayed maps that showed the new ward boundaries for everyone. My ward and another ward were split (this is the 2nd time) to create a total of 14 wards in the stake. I am still in the Legacy Ranch Ward and will continue to meet at 9:00 a.m. (yea!!), but will now be meeting in the really old church building on 60th West. It is always a bitter sweet feeling when a ward is split because you will miss those that will not be in the ward anymore; however, you will be able to become closer with your new ward because the numbers are smaller.

After church, Jeff continued to be a hero as he shoveled a widow's driveway, helped get the pizza delivery man's car unstuck...yes, I helped by driving the car as the guys pushed, and then he helped me shovel my driveway. Way to go Jeff...you're the man today!!
It is truly a blessing to have such great neighbors and friends.